Fish & Wildlife

Titus Biological Services Inc. is a consulting firm that provides a wide variety of services relating to fish & wildlife.

About Fish & Wildlife

Titus offers fish and fish habitat assessments, wildlife and wildlife habitat and usage assessments, bio-inventories, riparian restoration planting plans, habitat compensation, enhancements, construction and restoration, post-construction habitat utilization monitoring, bird nesting activity surveys, raptor nest surveys, and species at risk assessments and surveys.
We will help to ensure your project is compliant with the Migratory Birds Regulation, the Wildlife Act, the Species at Risk Act, the Fisheries Act, the Water Sustainability Act, and other environmental regulations.  Smoothly navigate federal and provincial fish and fish habitat and  species at risk protections with the assistance of Titus.

Other Services

We offer a wide variety of services related to aquatic, riparian, and terrestrial environments, such as: 

Our Approach

Project Management

Our approach to project management is based on regular communication with our clients, team members, and stakeholders.  We systematically monitor activity and progress, with regular reporting throughout the project, providing a record and ensuring that project deliverables are on time and on budget.


Safety & Insurance

Titus is committed to maintaining the highest level of safety during all our activities, and we believe a job is not worth doing if it cannot be done in a safely.  We have a proven safety track record, and we are registered and in good standing with WorkSafeBC.

Titus carries Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, Automobile Liability, and Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance.  Prior to initiating a project, we review our coverage to ensure it will cover the specifications of the project.

Professional development, particularly where safety is concerned, is a top priority at Titus.  All staff are certified in Occupational First Aid Level 1 with CPR training and the OFA Transportation Endorsement, WHMIS safety training, and Bear Aware training.  Some of our personnel have additional safety training including Swiftwater Rescue Technician Level 1.  All Titus personnel are current with their respective first aid and safety training levels, and certifications are updated as required.

Prior to undertaking any major field project, especially if the site is in a remote location, Titus’ safety policy requires staff to develop a thorough safety plan.  This process involves identifying potential hazards, determining the level of risk posed by each hazard, and preparing safety protocols to reduce or eliminate risks, and check-in/check-out protocols.  Site conditions, location, field tasks, equipment, WCB regulations and status of employees’ safety training are all considered in the development of safety plans.  Titus safety plans are considered living documents and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure all safety issues are addressed.  All staff and contractors are required to review the project safety plan prior to starting field work.

Get In Touch

Need help with an upcoming project or have questions about how to proceed? 

Call our office at: (604)-477-9653, or fill out the contact form below and one of our team members will reply to you promptly. 

Contact Us Today

Titus Biological Services Inc.

Maple Ridge, B.C.
(604) 477-9653